Know Benefits of Your Credit Card

Do you check details or make a proper comparative analysis before buying a credit card? If yes then you are an intelligent customer otherwise many users usually buy debit or credit cards only after getting convinced from sale executives. But before buying a credit cards you must ask yourself that which card you want and why because only after knowing your needs you can opt for an appropriate credit card.

Credit cards make transaction easier and if you don’t carry much cash or if any company does not accept cash then in that case making payment with these cards is trouble-free. Even they are useful in times of emergency like you are running out of money but still you need to repair or buy something urgently then you can use your credit card to make transaction. Credit cards not only make it easier to shop even they offer loads of additional benefits as well such as discounts on purchase from certain stores, bonuses, special insurance, etc. Benefits of credit cards are countless and they are not only limited to cash backs, reward points or interest free shopping but a good credit history can provide you many benefits while applying for a loan. Even some banks offer loans to only those who have some sort of credit history.

Some of the major beneficial services that credit cards render are chargeback, extended return policies, extended warranties and price protection. In chargeback scenario your credit card company will refund you the money in case if the company refuses to refund your money for their failing product or service. In extended returns policies as well you can avail advantages like usually retailers restrict returns up to 30 days but many credit card companies extend this policy to 90 days. If you purchase goods using your credit cards then you may also avail several additional gains like extended warranties. Generally Visa debit and Visa doubles the original store warranty or manufacturing warranty. Some other benefits like airline credit and damage and theft protection can also be gained with some efficient credit cards.

If you are an Australian Citizen then you can avail information related to various debit and credit cards from This website provides an introduction to Australian registered banks, building societies, credit unions and many other financial institutions. Here information is obtainable related to an extensive range of credit and debit cards. At this web portal cards are available from major providers along with their comprehensive comparative analysis. Even Australians can check out features, charges, fees and benefits of various card providers from this online source.

To know more about the Credit cards and Debit mastercard visit at

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Shop Freely With Credit And Debit Cards

Credit and debit cards are very similar and even they are accepted at the same places. Many novices still find them similar because they are not clear about their basic difference and usage. Credit and debit card both are for customer’s convenience and the fundamental difference between them is their destination to pull the money. In Debit cards money comes out directly from your current bank account and no interest is charged unless you reach your overdraft limit whereas in credit cards charges are transferred to your line of credit and interest is charged if you don’t clear your credit amount at the end of the fixed time period. Debit cards are moreover like a cheque whereas credit cards are like personal loan.

Debit cards draw money directly from your account when you make any purchase. In this case the merchant sends transaction id to your bank and later on the amount is transferred to the merchant’s account. That is why it is necessary to keep a running balance in your account. Debit cards are more popular because they allow consumers to live within their means and they do not have any annual fees. They are either connected to your bank account or are prepaid ones.  On the other hand, credit cards are kind of a loan and allow you to borrow money from various local merchants in small amounts.

These cards even charge interest on your purchase amount but that happens only in case when you fail to pay the amount within your grace period. For Australian customers a reliable website is available, i.e. to render information related to credit and debit cards. This site even helps them in finding out the best card as per their requirements. Debit Mastercard and Visa Debit are accessible here and before buying customers can even compare their services to select the suitable one.

Some of the basic comparisons between credit and debit cards are:
  • Credit card can only be used as credit card but debit card can be used as both credit and debit card.
  • In credit cards users are supposed to pay additional interest on the amount borrowed, which is no where applicable in case of debit cards.
  • Responsible usage and payment of credit card can improve your credit rating whereas all these things do not affect your credit history in case of debit cards.
  • In debit cards higher amount of risk is involved because anyone can easily carry out transactions and can drain the money from account. On other hand such risks are very low in credit cards.
To know more about the Credit cards and Westpac debit card visit at

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